Saturday, 21 November 2009


It took me 4 years to add two letters to my name. Imagine how long it would have taken if I had to create the full first name and surname from scratch...


Reality... Tomorrow


Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Pop Art - Ed Ruscha

Painter Ed Ruscha will receive the 2009 National Arts Aword.

The 71-year-old artist was one of the pioneers of the pop art movement in the '60s. His work frequently incorporates text into the image along with prominent beams of light. His most famous works depict various aspects of Southern California life, including the abundance of billboards and other text-based signage.

In his own words:
Good art should elicit a response of "Huh? Wow!" as opposed to "Wow! Huh?"

Sunday, 26 July 2009

Sunday service...

Agnosticism (Greek: α- a-, without + γνώσις gnōsis, knowledge; after Gnosticism) is the philosophical view that the truth value of certain claims — particularly metaphysical claims regarding theology, afterlife or the existence of deities, spiritual beings, or even ultimate reality — is unknown or, depending on the form of agnosticism, inherently impossible to prove or disprove and hence unknowable. [1] It is not a religious declaration in itself and the terms are not mutually exclusive.

I read somewhere a good one...shorter and just to the point!

"Agnosticist is an atheist without balls"

Thursday, 11 June 2009

Sicko or Psicho???

Until now I thought that when someone is complaining about the health care system is just because he is registered at ΙΚΑ (Ιδυμα Κοινωνικης Αδιαφοριας) οr in the best case just hung up the phone with NHS trying to make an appointment with the doctor (hey doc I need an appointment because I am bleeding to death...well sir our only available date is in three months time...have a nice day and until then mind the stains on the carpet!)

After that I saw Sicko....

Καθε αρχη και δυσκολη, καθε τελος επιπονο

Εχετε προσέξει πως οι ανθρωποι οταν δεν ξερουν πως να ξεκινήσουν λενε "καθε αρχη και δυσκολη"? Καλα μπορει οχι ολοι οι ανθρωποι αλλα εγω τουλαχιστον το κανω...Οποτε μεχρυ να το πω εχει περασει η "δυσκολη αρχη" και ειμαι ηδη στο δυσκολο σημειο "μετα την αρχη τι"?

Εδω υπαρχουν δυο κατηγοριες ανθρώπων. Καταρχας αυτοι που μετα..χειμαρος και αντε να τους πιασεις. Προφανως γι αυτους το προβλημα δεν ηταν η αρχη το μεγαλυτερο προβλημα ειναι το ...ανυπαρκτο τελος.

Μετα υπαρχει και η αλλη κατηγορια που μολις ξεπεράσουν τη δυσκολη αρχη ακολουθει εξίσου δυσκολο "μετα". Μου θυμιζουν αθλητες δρομου μετ εμποδιων. Πηδανε το πρώτο εμποδιο και στραβοπατανε στο ισωμα.

υγ: Αντε τωρα ωρα να γυρισω στο γραψιμο του thesis μου...Εχω φαει την αρχη, τη μεση και εχω κολησει στο τελος!